Tuesday, 25 February 2014


Now, in a regular college you usually have lot of interactive sessions apart from the usual lectures. In fact, presentations have now come to be a part of the curriculum, so that the boneheads amongst us can actually realise that no really cares about their opinion on literally anything. Presentations can be problematic when the people you may be addressing aren't receptive at all. How do you make things interesting then?...Make a few sexual innuendos and watch the magic happen.
I'm kidding, please don't do that. Girls might take offense of that...oh wait..the teacher might too.
I once had a presentation to make on one of my happening B.Com(H) subjects.(I had to put the (H) in there, its a very touchy issue). Before i bore you with the transcript of my presentation, i shall bring in light another presentation that was put forth my one of my classmate. Lets call him Mr. Smartass-no-one-gives-a- fuck-about(Thats long, so just smartass).
 So he came before the class as clueless as ever. Now, my emphasis is on how to CON the teacher that you know shit. He started off the presentation, looking clearly oblivious about the topic. So, Mr Smartass pulled off a trick where he spoke and i quote " Today, I am not going to give a presentation the conventional way for it is boring and mentally inconducive.  I shall be asking you all questions about my topic and i hope you will respond as enthusiastically as you do on seeing a girl in a laced backless outfit with a skirt"..(No, he didn't say that part, it was just my head. I think she crossed over by the window at that point of time).
Anyways, so he spoke about this for over 10 mins and then came to the topic of discussion and spoke for another 5 mins on the topic. Now, i would think that the teacher would really be annoyed at his stupendous trick, but then she lauded him. I was surely surprised.
So learning a little from that, i tried to employ a few tricks there. Unfortunately my conscience doesn't allow me to cheat or try to make a fool out of someone, even if it was to entice that girl who had walked by the window. But then, i hadn't really prepared much , nor did i have the book to simply read out of. So, the shameless me got up, borrowed the book from the teacher and started my ppt. I quoted all the examples that i could think off and came out as a badass who knew shit!!!

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