Wednesday, 12 March 2014

One Last Breath

When one is idle, the mind tends to wander away to contemplate the most implausible of situations. Sometimes one cooks up the most stupidest of ideas and dwells in it, travelling to that parallel universe where even Superman would shy away from his persona and strength or envisage a life of a millionaire where girls drool over his name. Such people can be found in your surroundings too, if you concentrate. The last bencher in your class smiling away at the window is not crazy, he is a dreamer; the little kid next door whose daily ritual of streaking across the neighbourhood celebrating his eureka moment is a dreamer; the dorky friend of yours who uses his set of card tricks to entice girls is definitely a dreamer, like literally.
Even I had a dream, something very overwhelming which had me thinking, if today was my last day what would I do. Its actually more to do with a prolonged illness of mine which made me panic, and my life flashed across my eyes. I didn't go about running all tormented as if Hrithik Roshan had announced to make another Krishh, but definitely had some deep insightful moments.I realised that there was so much to do, yet I just sat through life as if it meant nothing. I want to be crazy and fly away like a bird and spread my wings as I glide across the Miami beaches, staring down women cleavages as I do. Be a Tarzan in the jungle and dance with a troupe of dancing gorillas, I want to sit down with Rahul Gandhi and discuss his elaborate plans on women empowerment, get adopted by Brangelina and sleep with Kristen Bell. OK..not that . I want to read every classic there is and sound like Shakespeare as I stroll down the college corridors with a quill in hand, I want to look at naked women all day in the pretext of painting them on canvas.
On a serious note, if today was my last day I would want to fill it with love, for there is no force as potent which can sway your life in a completely different direction. I would walk up to my once girlfriend and tell her to how much she means to me. No matter how things might look, but we all are slaves of our own destiny, and I guess destiny had me  part ways with her, which I chose to accept. But, if it really was my last day, I could consider getting the idea across. I don't want to be a hero in life for everyone to look and applaud, I just wish to be a hero in my own eyes. I want to see myself treading that unconventional path, regardless of whether it is the ideal way to success or not. I don't want to be blinded by rage as I breath my last. I only wish to remember those who made my life worthwhile.
There are a lot of things this heart of mine wishes to do, but time is little for it is us, naive humans who choose to neglect the honourable things in life to indulge in prodigality. I still choose to sit idle and wander when I can just get up and do them all. It is grave misfortune in itself not to try and curse your fate, for things can be so different, they can be so right, its all about initiative and focus.

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